
奖学金 & 金融援助

St. 约瑟夫’s Prep is proud to announce a full-tuition scholarship.

阿雷特 奖学金, funded by Michelle and Chris Gangemi ’65, is the Prep’s new
premiere full-tuition scholarship and will be awarded annually
to a student applicant who shows high academic prowess and also has financial need.

学术 & 音乐奖学金/奖项

的 following 学术/Merit 奖学金 & Awards are awarded on merit to a select group of 8th grade applicants. At this time, t在这里 are no merit scholarships available for transfer candidates. Transfer candidates can apply for assistance via the Prep’s 金融援助 program.
哥伦布R. 米歇尔·C. GANGEMI 阿雷特 奖学金
  • Provides a four-year, full-tuition financial aid scholarship to 1 student
  • 家庭必须提交财政援助申请(TADS申请)供考虑
  • 点击 在这里 要了解更多关于 阿雷特 奖学金
ST. 约瑟夫奖学金
  • Provides a four-year, full-tuition merit scholarship to 1 student
  • Student must maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.5
  • 注意:圣. 约瑟夫 Scholars are selected from a pool of Ignatian 奖学金 recipients
  • Provides a $15,000 award annually to approximately 10 students
  • Student must maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.3
  • Provides a $10,000 award annually to approximately 20 students
  • Student must maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.0
资格要求. 约瑟夫/Ignatian/Xaverian考虑:在入学考试中表现突出(通常在98-99百分位), 优秀的学术背景, 领导和服务的历史, an enthusiastic teacher recommendation, and an exceptional entrance exam essay.  学生们在争夺圣. 约瑟夫/Ignatian/Xaverian奖学金将被邀请参加12月初的奖学金面试.

总统 & 校长奖
  • 每年提供6,500美元的奖励
  • Number of student recipients varies each year based on the applicant pool
校长/校长奖资格要求:入学考试成绩优异(通常在94-97百分位), 优秀的小学成绩单, 还有一篇出色的入学考试论文.

  • Provides a $6,000 award annually to approximately 3 students
  • Student must maintain good standing with at least one music program ensemble at the Prep.  Video submissions should be sent via email to admissions@sjprep.请在11月3日星期五之前.  For more information on how to audition for the Music 奖学金, please click 在这里.
音乐奖学金的资格要求:特殊的个人试镜, strong academic in grade school and on the Entrance Exam. 

  • 提供了3美元,000 annually to sons of First Responders, 军事, 学习教育工作者, 以及HBCU毕业生和雇员
  • For more information on the Affinity Awards program, please click 在这里
  • 合资格的家庭须填写 这种形式 12月1日,星期五.
Several scholarships (such as the Howley Scholars Program, 马奎尔学者计划, 和Quattrone学者项目)与财政援助程序挂钩,可以提供3美元起的任何数额,000到全额学费每年.  在适用情况下, 学术/优秀奖学金和奖励可以与额外的经济援助奖励相结合. Final determination of all 学术 奖学金 & Grant recipients are made by the 招生 Committee.



的 Prep is committed to providing an education to talented students, regardless of their financial situations. To support the realization of this institutional mission, 冰球突破豪华版官网有一个全面的经济援助计划,努力招收具有强大学术潜力和良好品格的学生, 拥有多样化的才能, 不同的兴趣和背景.

Due to limits placed on the financial aid budget, 资金不能保证,每个家庭都要使用所有可用的资源来支付孩子的教育费用. This includes resources from both parents even if divorced or separated, 一步的父母, 祖父母或其他亲属, 教会基金, 校外奖学金或助学金, 或者任何学生的收入. 经济援助奖——以工作补助金或兄弟减免的形式——帮助弥合家庭负担能力与圣乔治大学学费之间的差距. 约瑟夫预科教育. In some cases, financial aid awards can be combined with merit scholarships.


  • 工作给予

    经济资助(i).e. 经济援助(不是优秀奖学金)将以“工作补助金”的形式颁发给学生.” He will be asked to work in a clerical capacity at a time that is convenient for him. T在这里 will be a work requirement of one marking period. 他可以选择第一,第二,第三,或第四个评分期和时间,上学前或放学后. A marking period is eight weeks in length; work lasts l/2 hour per day, five days per week.
  • 兄弟的减少

    A 兄弟的减少 is possible for second and third siblings attending concurrently.  通过TADS的财政援助过程必须完成才能考虑兄弟削减. 的 金融援助 Committee will award a 兄弟的减少 in the range of $3,000 to $6,根据收入水平.


申请进入圣. 约瑟夫预备学院将询问是否要求经济援助,然而,一个单独的 TADS应用程序 必须完成.


要考虑获得经济援助,您必须使用 学费援助数据服务(TADS). TADS将对需要帮助支付学费的家庭进行经济需求评估. Applicants are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 经济援助是根据家庭通过TADS申请证明的经济需求颁发的. 这个过程涉及的信息本质上是个人的,SJP坚持最高的保密标准.

所有的TADS申请都将被审查,摘要将提交给财政援助委员会. 委员会对奖项提出建议,但最终决定由财政援助主任做出. 新生经济援助奖励函不迟于1月的第二周寄出. Returning families will receive award letters in the spring. In the event that the financial aid award is insufficient for re-enrollment, the tuition deposit will be returned. All final decisions regarding financial aid are made by the Prep. TADS does not receive/acquire this information.


A financial aid committee reviews the applicants in order to make award decisions. 冰球突破豪华版官网建议你下载申请工作表,以便在申请前收集所有必要的资料.

请记住: 你必须附上申请所要求的所有证明文件的复印件. 请不要寄原件.

Supporting documentation must be sent right away, so processing is not delayed: most recent W2 statements, 最近的工资单, 最近的联邦税表, most recent corporate tax return (if applicable), 任何1099年代, and documentation for all other sources of income (social security, 福利, 食品救济券, 失业, 孩子的抚养费, 工人的补偿, 等.) [*most recent could be 2022 financials].


点击这里 for special instructions for sections of the TADS应用程序 form.

的最后期限s for 金融援助 Application

新生家庭 with a brother concurrently attending SJP
Returning Families Requesting Aid or already Receiving Aid



  • 返港家庭特别注意事项

    Prep认识到家庭的经济状况每年都在变化,为了跟踪这些变化的需求,每个接受援助的家庭每年都需要提交财务文件(这包括所有兄弟的削减)。. 如果您不重新提交财务文件并通过TADS申请,您将无法获得2024-25学年的任何经济援助. Families who are not receiving aid but are in financial need should apply as well. 新的财政援助拨款可能会以每年为基础颁发给在读学生.
  • 父母离异或分居

    In dealing with divorced or separated parents, 经济援助办公室的目标是从双方收集尽可能多的信息, as well as from the spouses of either or both. Each situation is unique and will be handled on an individual basis.
    In the case of divorced or separated parents, each parent retains the obligation to contribute to the education of his or her son, regardless of whether a legal agreement to do so exists. 在这个例子中, 父母双方必须共同或单独完成所需的经济援助申请. 助学金将在考虑父母双方的经济实力后发放. In the case of separated and/or divorced parents, 学校不会向任何一方家长提供有关另一方家长财务披露的信息. 的 assets of both parents will be considered before making any award; the assertion that one parent has disclaimed responsibility for educational expenses does not apply.
    In the case in which one parent has no contact with his child, the custodial parent should submit third-party verification (from clergy, 学校行政, 等.) regarding the other parent’s absence.
  • 上诉程序

    对财政援助委员会的决定提出上诉(要求增加原授予的奖励,或在零奖励的情况下重新考虑), one of the following criteria should be met:
    1. 2023 income has declined by at least 10% compared to 2022 income; or
    2. 这个家庭最近遭遇了困难,这对家庭的财务状况产生了负面影响. (A detailed explanation is required.)
    新生须知, 必须在2月2日之前向财政援助主任发送一封信,以便重新考虑任何额外的援助. 必须完成注册, 在上诉信被考虑之前,必须收到入学合同和押金. If the additional aid is not satisfactory, you will receive a refund of deposit. 返乡家庭, 必须在4月28日之前向财政援助主任发送一封信,以便考虑任何额外的援助. 在上诉信被考虑之前,必须收到入学合同和押金. If the additional aid is not satisfactory, you will receive a refund of deposit.
    所有的上诉 (FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN AND RETURNING FAMILIES) will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Families that appeal will automatically be placed on a waitlist.

  • 校外奖学金来源

    For information on scholarships from non-SJP organizations and foundations, please 点击这里.





If you are having trouble with an aspect of the online TADS应用程序, 请拨打1-800-477-8237, 星期一至星期五, 8 a.m. 到8点.m. CST或电子邮件 support@tuitionaid.com.