A financial aid committee reviews the applicants in order to make award decisions. 冰球突破豪华版官网建议你下载申请工作表,以便在申请前收集所有必要的资料.
请记住: 你必须附上申请所要求的所有证明文件的复印件. 请不要寄原件.
Supporting documentation must be sent right away, so processing is not delayed: most recent W2 statements, 最近的工资单, 最近的联邦税表, most recent corporate tax return (if applicable), 任何1099年代, and documentation for all other sources of income (social security, 福利, 食品救济券, 失业, 孩子的抚养费, 工人的补偿, 等.) [*most recent could be 2022 financials].